New Century 

             Real Estate


Keene, NH  Pumpkin Fest



Using the numerous internet sites providing seller property information, NEW CENTURY REAL ESTATE has established fees based upon the efficiencies of internet distribution thus saving the seller dollars from what typically charged for listing their property. Search GOOGLE for “average real estate commission paid to sell property in NH” and compare that information to NEW CENTURY REAL ESTATE’s fees.

Let’s be frank: there are overhead expenses for companies and real estate companies are NO exception. However, NEW CENTURY REAL ESTATE has eliminated many expenses because of the digital revolution. Using the Multiple Service Platform (MLS) provides a system of distribution of available real estate to over many internet sites. This allows advertising real estate marketing at a very affordable cost. According to some surveys (go to GOOGLE) almost 40% of buyers go to the internet as the first step in the home buying process.


3 Levels of Service offered by New Century Real Estate

New Century Real Estate provides 3 levels of service (at times referred as a Menu of services) from which the Seller may choose: "Bronze Level”, “Silver Level", and "Gold Level".  The choice for the Seller depends upon the Seller's desired services.  New Century Real Estate will be pleased to meet with a Seller and review the differing levels and the Fees associated with each level.


For a complete description of the services provided for each level of service and the associated fees, please call 603-313-6884 and discuss with Bill Arnott, the Principal Broker, the choices OR fill in the New Century Contact form using the “Contact NCRE” page on this site and ask for the New Century Fee Brochure which will be emailed using PDF format or, if requested, by U.S. postal service.